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Showing posts from 2015

Nim Native Dialogs Package v.0.1

With this short post I'd like to introduce you my small Nim language package called native_dialogs which is intended to implement framework-agnostic way to call underlying operating system file save/open/etc. dialogues.

1st Nim Workshop (Kyiv, Ukraine)

My latest article was on the work I currently doing on Nim programming, namely, working on nimongo , and everyday this language takes more and more of my time at work, and outside of work, as it brings a lot of fun and addiction.

Curing Qt UTF-8 console pain on Windows

It happens that sometimes I have to write console application in C for Windows, and having only ASCII output is not always an option: basically, I need to have a possibility to perform text output in Ukrainian which is okay when you use UTF-8. Unlike others, Windows use legacy code pages system to make console work with natural languages text in different countries with different localisations, and that's a weird thing for Linux/Mac user.

Nimongo - pure Nimlang MongoDB driver

Lately I've spent much time coding in Nim. If you're still not acquainted with this fascinating, one of the fastest growing programming languages, please visit its official site , and get your grips on it. To be short, it's a statically typed compiled programming language that translates its source code ANSI C, which is then compiled into native executables. Such flow makes it easy to employ Nimlang on a broad range of software and hardware platforms.